You'll be hard-pressed to find a more complete selection of information for the Mac programmer. From the comp.sys.mac.programmer digest to FAQ (frequently asked questions) lists for the major programming languages, there's information galore here. Audio, data, graphics, and protocol specifications are included as well. Also included is information on commercial products.
CSMP Digest
CSMP Digest is a well-organized collection of article threads from the comp.sys.mac.programmer hierarchy of newsgroups. It is designed for people who read c.s.m.p. semi-regularly and want an archive of the discussions. Three volumes (years) of the digest are included here up to number 103 of volume 3.
Apprentice 6:Information:
Mark Aiken
csmpg FAQ 970105
csmpq FAQ is the frequently asked questions list. If you have questions about game programming on the Mac, check it out.
Apprentice 6:Information:Programming:
Kyle Ellrott
Gestalt Selectors List 3.6.4
Gestalt Selectors is a document that lists all selectors for use with the Gestalt Manager known to the editor. These can include selector codes installed by Apple (system software) or by software from third and so-called "fourth" parties (your software?). The information in this list is useful for programmers and other people who can use the Gestalt Manager with their software, perhaps even using externals (with HyperCard, 4th Dimension, etc.)
Apprentice 6:Information:Programming:
Rene G.A. Ros
IFSPLM is a DocMaker format stand-alone document containing information about Internet Freeware Shareware Programming Languages for the Macintosh. Updated and Revised version, enriched with quotations.
Apprentice 6:Information:Programming:
Antreas P. Hatzipolakis
Audio File Formats
Audio File Formats FAQ is a frequently asked question list with answers related to different audio file formats.
Apprentice 6:Information:Specifications:
BinHex is a specification for the BinHex file format. This allows binary files to be translated into readable ASCII character files. Useful for transmitting over methods which do not support binary.
Apprentice 6:Information:Specifications:
MacBinary is the specification for how to wrap and double forked file into a single resource. This is useful when transferring files from a Mac to another system that does not support a resource fork.
Apprentice 6:Information:Specifications:
RTF is a specification for Rich Text Format, a somewhat universal file format that allows a word processor or text editor to open up a file and retain all of its formatting. The formatting codes are stored as readable ASCII and are translated on-the-fly by applications supporting RTF.
Apprentice 6:Information:Specifications:
TIFF is the specification for Tagged Image File Format, a format for storing graphical information, such as pictures. Most sophisticated graphic manipulation software, such as Photoshop, support this format.
Apprentice 6:Information:Specifications:
X/YMODEM is a specification for the XMODEM and YMODEM protocols. These are file transfer protocols that are used mainly over a serial communications line. They support basic error checking, which is useful when transferring files over noisy data lines.
Apprentice 6:Information:Specifications:
ZMODEM is a specification for the ZMODEM protocol. This is a file transfer protocol that are used mainly over a serial communications line. It supports more sophisticated error checking than XMODEM or YMODEM, and it also supports the ability to resurrect a transfer that was cancelled or otherwise aborted.